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The Cyber Boxing Zone Encyclopedia -- Lineal Champion

Virgil Hill
(Virgil Eugene Hill)

BORN   January 18 1964; Clinton, Missouri (Fought out of Williston, North Dakota)
HEIGHT.. 6-0 1/2
WEIGHT 156-200 lbs
MANAGERS Mike Hall, Eddie Futch
TRAINERS Bill Sorenson, Allen Larsien


*** SOME AMATEUR BOUTS (250-11, 62 KO) ***

          -Hill won the National AAU Middleweight Championship

       Sergei Vaselenko                                               W   

       Michael Nunn                                                   W   
       Michael Nunn                                                   L   
       Michael Nunn                                                   W   
          -The previous 3 bouts were part of the Olympic trials

       Edward Neblett             Los Angeles, Ca                    TK  2
       Brian Schmacher            Los Angeles, Ca                     W  3
       Damir Skaro                Los Angeles, Ca                     W  3
       Mohamed Zoui               Los Angeles, Ca                     W  3
       Joon Sup Shin              Los Angeles, Ca                     L  3
          -The previous 5 bouts were held as part of the 
           1984 Olympic Games Middleweight Competition; 
           Hill won the Silver Medal


Nov 15 Arthur Wright              New York, NY                       TK  2

Jan  5 John Tyrell                Atlantic City, NJ                  TK  1
Feb 16 Dave Vedders               Reno, Nv                            W  6
Jul 13 Dawud Shaw                 Atlantic City, NJ                   W  6

Jan 22 Fred Jordan                Atlantic City, NJ                  TK  4
Mar  2 James Williamson           Lancaster, Pa                      TK  6
Apr 30 Abdul Hakim                Atlantic City, NJ                  TK  4
Jun 30 Santiago Valdez            Everett, Wa                        TK  1
Jul 10 Mike Sedillo               Inglewood, Ca                       W 10
Aug  2 Willie Mayberry            Detroit Lakes, Mn                  TK  1
Aug 14 Marcus Dorsey              Lynwood, Wa                        TK  2
Oct  4 Wayne Caplette             Williston, ND                      KO  1
Oct 17 Eric Winbush               Bismarck, ND                        W 10
Dec 11 Clarence Osby              New York, NY                        W 12
          -WBC Continental Americas Light Heavyweight Championship

Mar  6 James Williams             Fargo, ND                          TK  4
May  1 Marvin Camel               Grand Forks, ND                    KO  1
Jun 13 Marcos Geraldo             Lake Tahoe, Nv                     KO  2
Jul 19 Hilliard "Junior" Edmonds  Minot, ND                           W 10
Sep  5 Leslie Stewart             Atlantic City, NJ                  TK  4
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World
Nov 21 Rufino Angulo              Paris, Fr                           W 12
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World

Apr  2 Jean-Marie Emebe           Bismarck, ND                       TK 11
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World;
           Some sources report 4/03/88
Jun  6 Ramzi Hassan               Las Vegas, Nv                       W 12
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World
Nov 11 Willy Featherstone         Bismarck, ND                       TK 10
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World

Mar  4 Bobby Czyz                 Bismarck, ND                        W 12
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World
May 27 Joe Lasisi                 Bismarck, ND                       TK  7
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World
Oct 24 James Kinchen              Bismarck, ND                       TK  1
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World

Feb 25 David Vedder               Bismarck, ND                        W 12
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World
Jul  7 Tyrone Frzaier             Bismarck, ND                        W 12
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World
Oct 27 Frank Minton               Bismarck, ND                       TK  9

Jan  6 Mike Peak                  Bismarck, ND                        W 12
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World
Jun  3 Thomas Hearns              Las Vegas, Nv                       L 12
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World

Sep 29 Frank Tate                 Bismarck, Nv                        W 12
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World

Feb 20 Adolph Washington          Fargo, ND                          TW 11
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World;
           The verdict was a "Technical Win"; Washington was 
           badly beaten; He bumped his left eye on a television 
           camera following Round 11 and sliced it; The fight 
           was stopped due to the cut and a verdict was rendered 
           based upon the previous eleven rounds
Apr  3 Fabrice Tiozzo             Lavallois, Fr                       W 12
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World
Aug 28 Sergio Merani              Bismarck, ND                        W 12
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World
Nov  9 Saul Montana               Fargo, ND                          TK 10
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World
Dec 17 Guy Waters                 Minot, ND                           W 12
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World

Jul 23 Frank Tate                 Bismarck, ND                        W 12
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World

Apr  1 Crawford Ashley            Stateline, Nv                       W 12
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World
Sep  2 Drake Thadzi               London, Eng                         W 12
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World

Apr 20 Lou Del Valle              Grand Forks, ND                     W 12
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World;
           IBF Light Heavyweight Championship of the World
Nov 23 Henry Maske                Munich, Ger                         W 12
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World;
           IBF Light Heavyweight Championship of the World

Jun 13 Dariusz Michalczewski      Oberhausen, Ger                     L 12
          -WBA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World;
           IBF Light Heavyweight Championship of the World

Apr 25 Roy Jones Jr.              Biloxi, Ms                         LK  4
Nov  7 Jim Hays                   Bismarck, ND                       KO  2
          -IBC Cruiserweight Championship of the World

May  9 Glenn Thomas               Minot, ND                           W 10

Dec  9 Fabrice Tiozzo             Villeurbanne, Fr                   KO  1
          -WBA Cruiserweight Championship of the World

Feb 23 Jean-Marc Mormeck          Marseille, Fr                      LT  9
          -WBA Cruiserweight Championship of the World
Aug 23 Carlos Bates               New Town, ND                       KO  1
Nov 17 Joey DeGrandis             Grand Forks, ND                     W 12

Jul  5 Donnie Lalonde             Winnipeg, Man, Can                  W 10

May 22 Jean-Marc Mormeck          Brakpan, Gau, SAfr                  L 12
          -WBA Cruiserweight Championship of the World

Jan 27 Valery Brudov              Atlantic City, NJ                   W 12
          -WBA Cruiserweight Championship of the World

Mar 31 Henry Maske                Munich, Ger                         L 12
Nov 24 Firat Arslan               Dresden, Ger                        L 12
          -WBA Cruiserweight Championship of the World

Record courtesy of Tracy Callis, Historian, International Boxing Research Organization



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