Johnny Hill
BORN December 14 1905; Strathmigloe, Fife, Scotland
(Some sources report December 12 1905)
DIED September 27 1929; Edinburgh, Scotland (pneumonia)
WEIGHT 109-112 1/2 lbs
TRAINER David Hill
RECORD 18-1-3 (9 KO, 1 NC)
Hill was a talented boxer whose wonderful career was cut short by an illness that took his life; During his brief career, he won the Flyweight Championship of Britain, the Flyweight Championship of Europe and a version of the Flyweight Championship of the World

Johnny defeated such men as Emile "Spider" Pladner, Alf Barber, Newsboy Brown (David Montrose) and Ernie Jarvis

          -Hill won the British ABA Flyweight Championship


Sep 30 Bill Huntly                 London, Eng                    TK  5
Oct 17 Mark Lesnick                London, Eng                    NC 15
Nov  2 Arthur Cunningham           London, Eng                    KO 15
Nov  7 Billy James                 London, Eng                     D 15
Nov 15 Frank Maurier               London, Eng                    TK  9
          -Some sources report "W 12";
           Some sources report "TK 12"
Nov 25 Tiny Smith                  London, Eng                     D 12
Nov 29 "Young" Jackie Brown        London, Eng                    TK 12
Dec 18 Henri Poutrain              Brighton, Eng                   W 12

Jan 19 Tiny Smith                  London, Eng                     W 15
Jan 31 Young Denain                London, Eng                    TK  6
Feb 16 Phil Lolosky                London, Eng                    TK 15
Mar 30 Nicolas Petit-Biquet        London, Eng                    WF 11
Apr 11 Jim Hanna                   Edinburgh, Scot                TK 11
May 23 Alf Barber                  London, Eng                    TK 14
          -BBBC Flyweight Championship of Britain;
           Some sources report 5/30/27
Jul  3 Phil Lolosky                London, Eng                     D 15
Oct 13 Francois Morrachini         London, Eng                    TK  9
Oct 31 Nicolas Petit-Biquet        London, Eng                     W 15
Dec 19 Emile "Spider" Pladner      London, Eng                     W 15

Mar 19 Emile "Spider" Pladner      London, Eng                     W 15
          -EBU Flyweight Championship of Europe 
Aug 29 Newsboy Brown               London, Eng                     W 15
          -Flyweight Championship of the World;
           (as recognized by Britain and California state)

Feb  7 Emile "Spider" Pladner      Paris, Fr                      LK  6
          -Flyweight Championship of the World
           (as recognized by Britain and California state);
           EBU Flyweight Championship of Europe 
Mar 21 Ernie Jarvis                London, Eng                     W 15
          -EBU Flyweight Championship of Europe;
           BBBC Flyweight Championship of Britain 
Jun 29 Ernie Jarvis                Glasgow, Scot                  WF 10
          -Flyweight Championship of Britain;
           EBU Flyweight Championship of Europe 
Sep 27 Frankie Genaro                                            SCH   
          -This bout was scheduled but not held;
           Hill was ill and passed away

Record courtesy of Tracy Callis, Historian, International Boxing Research Organization
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